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Photo of Pamela Contreras González Chile

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Pamela Contreras González

Born in Santiago de Chile a July 20, 1979

E-Mail: pamelacontre@hotmail.com

Dence studies teaching half

1996 - Las Condes Teresian

Dence studies teaching higher

2002 - Graduated of Minor degree in fine arts painting.

Universidad Finis Terrae.

2004 - A graduate of Minor Degree in...

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Pamela Contreras González

Born in Santiago de Chile a July 20, 1979

E-Mail: pamelacontre@hotmail.com

Dence studies teaching half

1996 - Las Condes Teresian

Dence studies teaching higher

2002 - Graduated of Minor degree in fine arts painting.

Universidad Finis Terrae.

2004 - A graduate of Minor Degree in Fine Arts Painting

Universidad Finis Terrae.

2006 - Second School of Cultural Management of Culture in Motion.

Universidad Católica Silva Henriquez.


2001 - Solo exhibition "Stop or I" Batuta Events Center, or oa, Santiago.

2001 - Solo exhibition "berries" Pub Naitun, Santiago Centro.

2002 - Exhibition "Domeyko Foundation" Artek Gallery, Santiago Centro.

2004 - Participation of paintings in group music video scrub.

2004 - "11 Painters against Bush." Santiago Chamber Nattino. APECH.

2005 - Group exhibition "Painting Popular Events Centre and Restaurant La Chimenea, Santiago Centro.

2005 - "Art on a plate" Casa Naranja.

2005 - Exhibition "Mixture" Emerging Art Gallery, Providence.

2006 - "Plastic Central de la Vega." Centro Cultural de la Reina.

2006 - "Art in Tray 2 º version" I saw the Sea

2006 - "Plastic Central La Vega, Santiago Nattino room. APECH

2008 - "Mapocho city" Posada's Gallery Mayor


2004 - Management of 11 Painters exhibition against Bush.

2007 - Painting Competition Jury of the Chilean Cultural Institute Japanese.

2007 - Guest artist and contributor to open Paint Shop. Culture Festival. Parque Quinta Normal.

You can find more works www.pinturaspamelacontreras.blogspot.com

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